• Vision and Core Beliefs

    Hallsville Independent School District will pursue "Excellence in Education" in all endeavors

    • HISD will provide students an opportunity to obtain a world class education that prepares them for a globally competitive society;
    • HISD will strive to be a district of excellence that competes at the state and national levels in all academic and extracurricular activities;
    • HISD will instill a desire for ethical behavior, integrity and good citizenship in all students.

Welcome To North Elementary!

Campus Event Calendar

North Elementary In Action!

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Bulletin Board

  • Western Days

    Pallets Needed

    Little Dribblers

    Little Dribblers

Bell Schedule

  • North Elementary's bell schedule begins the school day each day at 7:40 a.m., with the tardy bell at 7:45 a.m. Dismissal in the afternoons is at 3:30 p.m. On Early Release days, dismissal is 12:30 p.m.

School Payments

  • Accepting online payments for breakfast and lunch accounts. Click the logo for more information.

    Accepting online payments for staff or student fees - field trips, tshirts, lost book fine, registration fees and more. Click the logo above to learn more.

Bulletin Board