HHS Course Guides

  • Whether you are entering our school as a ninth grader or coming in as a transfer student, this course guide will assist you in mapping out your four year plan and creating a schedule for the upcoming school year. The classes you take at Hallsville High School are very important as they play a major role in preparing you for college, technical school, the military, or life beyond high school. HHS maintains a wide range of offerings that will help you not only strengthen your academics, but also discover your passion. We are proud of the courses described in this guide and feel confident that we represent the very best of what a high school can offer.

    It is our goal to help meet the needs of every student. You will be surrounded by caring professionals committed to helping you succeed in your academic endeavors. We expect all students to do their best and take advantage of available opportunities. In the coming weeks, we encourage you to review this document in detail in order to make decisions that help you to achieve your dreams and goals.