• Be prepared for class by bringing your supplies with you each day.
    • Be responsible for your own behavior by obeying all campus and classroom rules.
    • Be respectful of others and their property by treating others the way you want to be treated including all students and staff on our campus


    E-mail: awarbington@hisd.com       Phone: 903-668-5990   (x2004)       Conference: 5th period (11:33 -12:19)   



    Your student will have access to a TI-84Plus calculator while in my classroom. The calculator will be assigned to your student all year, and he/she is responsible for careful handling of this calculator. A calculator may be used at home on assignments, and purchasing this calculator for your students' home use will be helpful in HS and college. Any type calculator may be used at home, but in class and on the STAAR test all students will use the TI84-Plus.